SLS270 Gamifying your business to get better results

Smart Leaders Sell Podcast - A podcast by Jessica Lorimer


**I am now over on the Selling To Corporate Podcast: Head on over if you are interested in adding a corporate revenue stream to your business** **Have you ever considered starting a podcast? My podcast producer and I have put together everything you need to know to get your very own podcast off the ground! Check out Podcasting That Pays today:!** Have you spent hours creating self study courses for your clients but not had the feedback or engagement that you had hoped for? Or have you tried courses yourself but find they always end up stuffed under all the other bits and bobs you might get around to one day? Have you ever wondered why that is? Is the course not really what you expected, not engaging or stimulating enough or is the content really just plain boring? Fortunately Jess is going to change all this for you, check out what she’s sharing with you on today’s episode how to get your course to be the one people want to buy and complete! What you should be concentrating on to create user focused content, stop bombarding people with information they can’t digest How can you make your course more interactive, it’s got to be enjoyable for your audience to keep them motivated What is a passive or semi passive course and how it can help you Quotes: “ Make sure that you are creating courses that are impactful, insightful, simple and ultimately that you're always doing the best for your learners.”  Remember, reviews help us to let more people know about Smart Leaders Sell, so please take a moment to leave a review on your podcast player! Email Jess [email protected] The C Suite ® Smart Leaders Sell Membervault Affiliate Link Products and Courses Selling To Corporate FB Group Converting Corporates - The Event More Jess! Content Disclaimer The information contained above is provided for information purposes only. The contents of this article, video or audio are not intended to amount to advice and you should not rely on any of the contents of this article, video or audio. Professional advice should be obtained before taking or refraining from taking any action as a result of the contents of this article, video or audio. Jessica Lorimer disclaims all liability and responsibility arising from any reliance placed on any of the contents of this article, video or audio. Disclaimer: Some of these links are for products and services offered by the podcast creator.