Anne Doyle, journalist, global speaker and author of POWERING UP! How America’s Women Achievers Become Leaders. 05/28/13
Smart Women Talk - A podcast by Smart Women Talk
Join us as we’ll discuss:How men can “get in the game” and become active allies and advocates for women in leadership roles.Anne’s perspective on Sheryl Sandberg’s LEAN IN movement.Her top five recent moments that show women are gaining momentum. Anne Doyle has been on the front lines of women’s progress for decades – as a journalist, auto executive, elected official, mother, and author of POWERING UP! How America’s Women Achievers Become Leaders. She began her career as a TV news and sports broadcaster. Inducted into the Michigan Journalism Hall of Fame for leadership role in opening sports locker rooms. As Ford Motor Company executives was named one of the “100 Leading Women in the Auto Industry.” Anne is a single Mom who took an early retirement from the corporate fast track and began working on her book and ran for office. Today, she is an Auburn Hills City Councilwoman, global traveler and keynote speaker who is passionate about women and girls – everywhere -- achieving their full potential. To learn more about Anne Doyle go to