David Bedrick 1/14/14
Smart Women Talk - A podcast by Smart Women Talk
Katana and Vicky will be interviewing, David Bedrick, JD (Attorney); Teacher and Diplomate of Process Oriented Psychology. Join us as we’ll discuss: What disturbs us most about ourselves holds the seed of our greatest healing.Flowering into our deepest selves is a labor of love, requiring a witness who sees us and believes in us, especially at our worst.Gender bias and sexism can play a powerful role in our struggles and healing. David Bedrick is an attorney and diplomat of Process Oriented Psychology, a branch of Jungian Psychology. He was on the faculty of the University of Phoenix for 8 years teaching psychology and philosophy. He teaches in organizations, small groups, workshops and psychological associations. He received notable awards for teaching, employee development, and legal services to the community. He blogs for Psychology Today, Huffington Post, and other online publications and is the author of Talking Back To Dr Phil: Alternatives to Mainstream Psychology. Bedrick is sought-after expert on the topics of shame, dreams, diversity, weight loss, and, popular psychology. To learn more about David Bedrick go to http://talkingbacktodrphil.com.