David Bedrick, J.D., Dipl. PW 04/23/13

Smart Women Talk - A podcast by Smart Women Talk


Join us as we’ll discuss: How to embrace our authentic selves instead of attempting to ‘fix’ ourselves.Humanity’s deviations from ‘the norm’ as a reflection of nature’s diversity.And experience the power and intelligence of our feelings. David Bedrick, J.D., Dipl. PW, spent eight years teaching psychology and philosophy at the University of Phoenix and taught in the Navy, at 3M, the American Society of Training and Development, the Process Work Institute, psychological associations, and small groups focusing on personal growth. He received notable awards for teaching, employee development, and legal services to the community. Bedrick is sought-after expert on the topics of shame, personal and collective trauma, cultural identity issues, stereotyping, and more. He blogs for Psychology Today and other online publications. He lives in Santa Fe with his wife and has a passion for dreams, poetry, and cooking. To learn more about David Bedrick go to http://talkingbacktodrphil.com.