Risa Kaparo, author, licensed psychotherapist and somatic therapist. .05/29/12
Smart Women Talk - A podcast by Smart Women Talk

Awaken Somatic IntelligenceTeaches us how to awaken the potential of the body-mind and to use that untapped potential to create a healthy, vibrant, and graceful aging process free of pain, injury, suffering, and confusion.Provides simple, easy to learn practices that can be applied “anytime, anywhere” to live more mindfully, effectively, and joyously.Takes daily practice beyond the meditation cushion or yoga mat and supports the integration and stabilization of non-dual consciousness and optimal cognitive, emotional and physiological functioning into a new way of living with ever-greater freedom and aliveness. As a young adult, Dr. Risa Kaparo successfully healed herself from a painful and life-threatening illness. The discoveries she made during her ordeal prompted her to eventually create a methodology to transform pain, stress, trauma and aging into wellness, embodied mindfulness and vital longevity. This system called Somatic Learning – was developed during three decades of research, clinical practice and training of health care practitioners and involves simple practices that take only a few minutes a day, yet promote highly beneficial and lasting changes in the brain and the whole body, reorienting a person toward ever greater freedom, joy and aliveness. To learn more about Risa click here http://www.awakeningsomaticintelligence.com.