#014: Jared Easley on How to Starve Your Self-Doubt and Realize Your True Potential
Smarter Freelancing: Freelance Work | Getting Clients | Freelance Writing | Freelance Design | Ed Gandia - A podcast by Ed Gandia: Freelance Copywriter, Solopreneur, Business Strategist, Coach

I'm really excited about today's show because I get to address what I believe is one of the most important topics in the freelance community—boosting self-confidence. This is a topic I've addressed before in my High-Income Business Writing Podcast (Episode #22: "7 Tips for Developing Stronger Self-Confidence." But for this episode, I wanted to bring in someone who talks about this subject every single week. His name is Jared Easley, and he's the host of the Starve the Doubts podcast. In a very short period of time, Jared has created one of the most popular business podcasts in iTunes. He's interviewed business leaders such as Seth Godin, Pat Flynn, Gary Vaynerchuk and others. And in this interview, he explains how we can develop and nurture greater self-confidence in ourselves and in our work. He discusses some of the biggest fears he's had to overcome to succeed in business. And he tells us how he used Kickstarter to validate a dream of his: creating and hosting the biggest podcasting conference in North America, The Podcast Movemement, which will be held next week in Dallas, TX. It's a great talk that includes both inspiration and practical information.