how to find yourself, fear of the 9-5 & healthy detachment

Smoke Sesh - A podcast by Hannah - Tuesdays


Happy Tuesday my cuties I miss you all so very much, if you didn’t catch Thursdays episode go give it a little love but this episode is full of advice! Inspiration! And looking forward towards the future with love ❤️ today we chat what I’ve been up to & inspired by, current favorite podcasts, feeling inspired to better yourself, makeup and who are you putting your face on for, how to stop skin picking, fear of the 9-5 and what alternative jobs are there? normalization of alcoholism in your 20’s and being ok not knowing your sexuality, how to quiet your self demeaning demons, premature ejaculation & bedroom problems, healthy vs unhealthy detachment, how to truly manifest and make your dreams a reality, when to drop a relationship, brain aftercare and how to handle the day after a party, how to find yourself and to stop running away, April theory and why do we feel so good in the spring? allowing yourself to celebrate yourself! Stinky head, what prom was like plus much much more, hope you all are having a beautiful Tuesday and I can’t wait to chat sooooo soon