Julius Malema strikes back: EFF reacts to Floyd Shivambu & MK Party, Mkhwebane, Ndlozi, Jacob Zuma

SMWX - A podcast by Sizwe Mpofu-Walsh

In today’s episode of SMWX, we explore Julius Malema's recent speech to EFF ground forces, Floyd Shivambu's MK move from the MK perspective and the prospects of unity for these two parties. Ayeye! How to support: πŸ“– Purchase my book - "The New Apartheid": https://sizwempofuwalsh.com/product/thenewapartheid πŸ“š Listen to my audiobook - https://adbl.co/3ucxr5h 🎡 Stream my music - https://li.sten.to/iT5TMeX πŸ“» Listen to the podcast - https://li.sten.to/7v4VTzl πŸ“ Become a YouTube Member of this channel to get access to perks: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCk_qa4ssROH8aUDbgQXE5dA/join πŸ‘ Like and Subscribe SMWX Black Hoodie: https://sizwempofuwalsh.com/shop