A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words in Social Research

Social Media Research Association Social Media Research Briefs - A podcast by Social Media Research Association

Imagine being at work and not picking up the phone when it's ringing.... Todd Grossman, CEO Americas for Talkwalker, used this as an anaolgy when talking about the importance of listening to social conversations. In this episode, Todd talks about image recognition as it relates to social listening and shares an interesting case study looking for the most popular type of pasta - the study found much more than this. Listen to learn how one thing led to another in their research. You can learn more about Talkwalker by visiting their website, and you can learn more about their pasta research in the article, "Finding Actionable Consumer Insights Using Visual Listening." We invite you to connect with Todd on social media - he'd love to hear from you on Twitter or LinkedIn! Listen: Talkwalker's Case Study on the Value of Image Recognition in Social Research