5 counterintuitive strategies for simplifying and streamlining your online business

Imperfect Action - A podcast by Steph Taylor


The biggest, most exhausting mistake I see online business owners making is this: Trying to do all the things, without any real idea of what they're trying to achieve. Doing more does NOT mean you're being productive if you're making things more difficult than they need to be.In today's episode, I'm sharing 5 helpful ways to simplify and streamline your business, even though they may seem counterintuitive:- Why understanding where you're putting your time and energy is the first step to change.- How you can use today's tech and tools to make your life easier, not harder.- Why getting really clear on your marketing and sales processes will help you to streamline what you can to lighten your workload.- The importance of becoming really intentional about what you do AND what you don't do.- How identifying the complications in your business that you don't love will help you to save a lot of time and energy.SHOW LINKS:- Get my Daily Biz Booster emails: https://stephtaylor.co/DBB- 5 Simple Tweaks to Boost Your Launch Profits: https://stephtaylor.co/tweaks- Want me to spend a day working on your next launch? Book a VIP intensive: https://stephtaylor.co/vip- Get The A-Z Podcast Launch Plan: https://stephtaylor.co/plp-ig- Get a 30-day free trial of Kajabi: https://stephtaylor.co/kajabiLet's be Instagram friends: https://instagram.com/stephtay...