7 questions to get crystal clear on your messaging and stand out online

Imperfect Action - A podcast by Steph Taylor


Today's online world is saturated. It's swarming with business owners wanting to be seen AND people who are ready to consume content. But how do you get your message in front of the right people at the right time? In today's episode, I share exactly how to do this—by getting crystal clear on your messaging so that you can stand out online.- Why knowing your ideal client is just as important as knowing who is NOT your ideal client.- How understanding what's really going on in your ideal client's life will help you to tailor your message directly to them and hit them where they're at.- Why getting crystal clear on your ideal client's problems means understanding it in their words, rather than trying to understand it from your position as the expert.- The questions to ask yourself to really hone in on both the solution that you offer and the transformation that it provides.SHOW LINKS:- Get my Daily Biz Booster emails: https://stephtaylor.co/DBB- 5 Simple Tweaks to Boost Your Launch Profits: https://stephtaylor.co/tweaks- Want me to spend a day working on your next launch? Book a VIP intensive: https://stephtaylor.co/vip- Get The A-Z Podcast Launch Plan: https://stephtaylor.co/plp-ig- Get a 30-day free trial of Kajabi: https://stephtaylor.co/kajabiLet's be Instagram friends: https://instagram.com/stephtay...