Dating Differently

Solo Parent - A podcast by AccessMore - Mondays

Dating is a sticky subject for solo parents—not only has the dating world changed since we became single parents, but we have changed. We have a lot more to consider in dating relationships. What got us here isn’t going to get us where we want to be. We are all in varying stages of solo parenting, so our approaches to dating may be different. However, there are some ways we can all be wiser when we decide to bring dating into our lives. Today, 2 single dads and 2 single moms discuss Dating Differently. For all the detailed show notes, tips and links visit —> ASK US ANYTHING! We want to answer any Solo Parent questions you may have. Go to and ask us anything…it can be related to a topic we cover on the podcast, something you are facing or just something you are curious about. We want you to be part of our podcast! Receive a free SPS Welcome Toolkit with links to groups, info and a free book. Join our FREE daily meditational devotional Download our free app - APPLE | ANDROID