WCN Presents: [John-Michael Lander] An Athlete’s Silence
Something Was Wrong - A podcast by Broken Cycle Media | Wondery
*Content warning: childhood abuse, sexual abuse, homophobia, stalking, rape, physical violence, sex trafficking, suicidal ideation, and suicide Resources: Darkness to Light: End Child Sexual Abuse - http://d2l.org The Army of Survivors - https://thearmyofsurvivors.org/ National Coalition to End Sexual Exploitation - https://endsexualexploitation.org/ End Violence Against Women International: https://evawintl.org/ Survivor Space: https://survivorspace.org/ Additional resources + non-profit organizations: http://www.somethingwaswrong.com/resources Sources: Department of Homeland Security. (n.d.). Human Trafficking. Retrieved July 8, 2024, from https://www.dhs.gov/hsi/investigate/human-traffickingNational Human Trafficking Hotline. (n.d.). National Statistics. https://humantraffickinghotline.org/en/statisticsDarkness 2 Light. (2023). Child Sexual Abuse Updates. https://www.d2l.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/03/Child-Sexual-Abuse-Updates.pdfStrauss Investigation. (n.d.). Ohio State University. https://straussinvestigation.osu.edu/Burga, S. (2023, April 23). Congress Re-Introduces Bill to Protect Kids from Online Sexual Abuse. Here’s What To Know. Time Magazine. https://time.com/6273895/congress-re-introduces-bill-to-protect-kids-from-online-sexual-abuse/ John-Michael Lander: An Athlete’s Silence: https://anathletessilence.com/ John-Michael’s Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/johnmichaellander Surface Tension by John-Michael Lander: https://amzn.to/3q7K1pt Cracked Surface by John-Michael Lander: https://amzn.to/42499uk See Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.