Episode 102: 70s Flares
Something Who - A podcast by Richard Smith

This time Something Who tackles the somewhat complex problem of flares in the 1970s (and next time circa 2010). So we've recruited the eminent Simon Guerrier to join our ranks once more, alongside regular Giles, returning guest Rick and the ever present Richard to talk about 4th Doctor story The Ark In Space from Season 12, which in the next episode we'll pair with 11th Doctor story The Beast Below from Series 5. Please like or share our podcast with people who will enjoy it, so we can build our listener base high for happiness. You can rate us directly on Apple Podcasts or Podchaser.com Simon has written two recent books: The Story of the Solar System: A Visual Journey, which he wrote with Maggie Aderin-Pocock https://www.amazon.co.uk/Story-Solar-System-Visual-Journey/dp/1785949209/ and Doctor Who: The Time-Travelling Almanac: The Official Guide to the Doctor’s Year https://www.amazon.co.uk/Doctor-Who-Time-Travelling-Almanac-Official/dp/1785949179/ Rick posts on social media as @brickpandorica, where you can find fantastic pictures of his Lego models beautifully encapsulating Doctor Who moments. Giles has 2 new children's books out: Can We Live on Mars? https://www.amazon.co.uk/Mind-Mappers-Mappers-Making-Difficult-Understand/dp/B0C65GDB4G/ and Spin to Survive: Deep Space Danger https://www.amazon.co.uk/Spin-Survive-Destiny-Pop-Out-Fortune/dp/0711287767/ Richard has another podcast with co-hosts Emily & Nicola, called "If It's Hurting, It's not Working" and it's a fun and informative look at work - why we work, how we work, and what makes a great job. Go to https://ifhurtnotwork.podbean.com/ and https://ifhurtnot.work for more. The Something Who logo, which features prominently on all our cover art was designed for us by Bea Garrido. She's a really talented artist, who you can find by following this link: https://beagarridoart.weebly.com/, where you can buy prints of some remarkable paintings of characters from Doctor Who. Although we've provided Amazon links for convenience, Simon's and Giles' books can be found at all good bookshops (and a few bad ones).