Episode 94: Ashildr to Cry on
Something Who - A podcast by Richard Smith

Here's Something Who podcast Episode 94, the second half of our conversation about 5th Doctor tale The King's Demons from Season 20, and, primarily in focus this time, 12th Doctor story The Girl Who Died from Series 9. Please like or share our podcast with people who will enjoy it, so we can build our listener base high for happiness. You can rate us directly on Apple Podcasts or Podchaser.com Giles' book A History of the Universe in 21 Stars: (and 3 Imposters) can be found in all good bookshops and also here: https://www.amazon.co.uk/History-Universe-21-Stars-Imposters/dp/1787394654/ Head over to https://www.bigfinish.com/, where we all love Paul's stories. Richard has another podcast with co-hosts Emily and Nicola, called "If It's Hurting, It's not Working" and it's a fun and informative look at work - why we work, how we work, and what makes a great job. Go to https://ifhurtnotwork.podbean.com/ and https://ifhurtnot.work for more. Our cover art was designed for us by Bea Garrido. She's a really talented artist, who you can find on Twitter using @BeaGarrido00, where, among other artworks, you can see some remarkable paintings of characters from Doctor Who.