Episode 2. You're Doing too Much, Please Stop.

sorry mom & dad, i'm an artist. - A podcast by Mauri Elle Horsey


Hello Beautiful Humans!! Welcome to Episode 2 of the sorry mom & dad, I want to be an artist Podcast. I'm so happy you could make it! Today we are talking about being productive...over productive. I decided to keep things short and sweet today. So without further a-do, I'll stop typing and start talking!!  Enjoy your listen ;) XOXO, MEH This Week's Homework: Where are you being over productive?  Personal Website: www.mauriellehorsey.com Instagram: @smd.imanartist The Artist's Way Book Link: https://www.amazon.com/Artists-Way-25th-Anniversary/dp/0143129252/ref=sr_1_1?crid=17V2848VUHRS1&keywords=the+artist+way&qid=1671652689&sprefix=the+artist+way%2Caps%2C275&sr=8-1