City Living & Montessori Life w/ Lindsay Dewald - episode #25

Soul Work For Moms: Evolution Through Mothering - A podcast by Michelle Duncan-Wilson, a mama who believes all mothers can grow emotionally and spiritually through the struggles that arise in motherhood.


Lindsay Dewald is a wife, the mother of two young girls and a small business owner in Cincinnati Ohio. She and her husband started The City Flea (a curated, urban flea market that runs monthly May-December) and are just about to wrap up their 6th year of business. Together they are passionate about their community, small business, Montessori education, and design. They just recently built a home in the historic neighborhood of Over-The-Rhine, where Lindsay spends her days making home and mothering. Today, you’ll hear Lindsay talk about how she got into the Montessori lifestyle, how her experience of mothering was turned upside down after the birth of her second child, as well as the joys and realities of city living.