Beyond Words: The Speech Therapy Journey for Children with Autism with Vincent Rocha
Soulful Feasts with Stephanie Zubiri - A podcast by Stephanie Zubiri

Many children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) experience challenges with communication. This episode dives into the world of speech therapy for children with ASD with guest, Vincent Rocha of Mylo Speech Buddy. Stephanie and Vince explore how speech therapy can help children develop their communication skills, express themselves more effectively, and build social connections, and unveil the magic of speech therapy and its potential to empower children with ASD on their communication journey. **** Follow Soulful Feasts on Instagram - @soulful_feasts Follow Stephanie on her Instagram - @stephaniezubiri and her Facebook page - Soulful Feasts is edited by Carl Velasco and produced by ANIMA Podcasts.