Making green heat mandatory - A story of heat planning
Sound of Green - Stories from Denmark's green transition - A podcast by State of Green
How do you create a cost-effective and sustainable heat transition? Why has Denmark chosen to bet on district heating? And what does it take to unlock its benefits? These are some of the questions discussed in this Sound of Green episode about heat planning and district heating. In this episode, we explore how decades of Danish experiences with heat planning and district heating are being disseminated and tell the story of the value they’ve already created just south of the Danish border. The story is told by Toke Liengaard advisor and team leader at the Danish Energy Agency, Volker Kienzlen, managing director of Klimaschutz- und Energieagentur Baden-Württemberg and Markus Lempp, Head of International Policy, Markets and Energy Economics at Danfoss.For information, check out our white paper at