Jessica Jones Season 2: Ep 1-4 (We're BACK!)
South Side of Wakanda - A podcast by Brittany & Chani

Your favorite MCU podcast is back!! Our hiatus is over and we are soooo excited to be back in the Stu! We were so excited that we accidentally recorded a 2-hour long episode lol This week we are The Ghost of Jack Dawson and a Black Russian and we discuss the tattered state of the TV and Movie industry, DC's The Flop aka The Flash, and some shocking Marvel news! Eventually, we do find ourselves at our final destination, the first 4 episodes of Jessica Jones Season 2 as well as the first episode of the most recent Disney PLus MCU show, Secret Invasion. We hope you enjoy our antics! We will be back next week with more MCU-flavored shenanigans for ya! 3:25 - News Stories 55:19 - Jessica Jones Season 2 1:37:10 - Secret Invasion Episode 1 1:53:47 - What We Watching