Episode 028: The Internet of Things that are smarter than us

Space Javelin - A podcast by The Space Javelin crew


This week, Charles and Mike delve into the meat of the technology week with a closer look at Apple's latest headphones, the pure-wireless AirPods and the brand-new BeatsX. Both have the W1 chip for incredible range and smarts, but each has its own advantages and disadvantages. Also covered is Jawbone's oddball opt-out from the consumer market, Tim Cook (and us) on the future of augmented reality in the near-term, and the threat of targeted Mac malware (average users have little cause for alarm, but all users must be vigilant). We also talk about Apple's quickly-fixed iCloud non-issue, the very real but not yet widespread reports of matte black iPhone 7 units getting coloring scuffs and chips, the remarkable progress of Apple Pay (bank switching is a thing now), and we take another look at the weird and whacky world of rumors, a magical land where a certain percentage of dreams come true. All this, practical advice and tips, and snark to spare on the Space Javelin! Climb aboard, cadets!