MacNN Podcast Episode 52
Space Javelin - A podcast by The Space Javelin crew

That awkward moment when you plan for a guest because you think the week might be a bit slow news-wise and then the whole country explodes. While the Transformers-like battle between the FBI and Apple continues with your Fourth Amendment rights tied to a stake like Joan d'Arc, we chat with Aleen Simms from Agilebits about the importance of password security. She also has a rockin' podcast of her own about women and minorities in tech and assorted geeky pursuits called "Less Than or Equal To." Charles and special guest co-host Malcolm also dig in to a question posed by our colleague Sanjiv: is Apple's software quality slipping, or are we just noticing it a whole lot more? Plus, a few laughs, a civics lesson, and William's App of the Week. Big Brother says check it out.