S02E015: Submarine Life, Star Trek Discovery, Tesla tunes, iPadified Deloreans, & Shotgun Messiah
Space Javelin - A podcast by The Space Javelin crew
Welcome to a very slightly extended (by four minutes) episode of Space Javelin, where (as it turns out) we not only dissect the week that was in tech, we also share interesting aspects of your humble co-pilots' lives. Charles having mentioned his incredibly low gamer cred last week, Mike tells tales of life aboard a submarine, and how he's recreated that in his house (insert joke about being underwater on the mortgage here). The two eventually remember that this is supposed to be a tech podcast, and talk about YouTube TV's expansion (which -- naturally? -- leads into a nerd-out about Star Trek: Discovery), Gmail's pledge to stop spying on your email, and a rumor about Tesla planning its own music service. Also covered are the latest iMac Pro rumors, warnings about running the latest betas if you're not going to do the work required, Virgin Mobile USA's switch to iPhones only (and a sweet deal if you switch), that misreported claim of Italy planning to ban iPhones (spoiler: nope), Apple Pay loyalty cards on the horizon, and a modified Delorean car owner who has turned the center of the dashboard into an iPad-ified info center (including a speedometer). All that and more, cadets, so strap in for (a little) overtime on board the Space Javelin this week! And stay tuned for a special episode on Friday, June 30 -- the 10-year anniversary of the iPhone (we're not doing a regular episode next week due to the Canada and USA holidays, but we think you'll enjoy this).