SJ082: CarPlay rules, HomePod drools, rumors flying, 32-bit dying, Nvidia hack and Foundation's back
Space Javelin - A podcast by The Space Javelin crew

Eyes straight ahead, cadets, for the day of recording for the latest episode of Space Javelin coincides with both co-Captain Mike's birthday and a traditional day of bad luck and weird happenings! While there was plenty of good news on the horizon, the crew get a little ranty this week about GrayKey, the FBI, patent lawsuits, bad repair jobs, HomePod misinformation and pre-announcements! On the other hand, there's good news about CarPlay and Android Auto, an Apple triumph over a patent troll, a repair program for iPad Pro Smart Keyboards, some new TV and video series (current and forthcoming) to enjoy, a great deal on a good VPN, new gear to check out, and Apple's achievement of 100 percent renewable energy (the good ship Space Javelin, as you all know, also uses a never-ending resource: it runs entirely on hot air). Somewhere in the middle are notes of caution, such as the end of 32-bit apps on the Mac and old apps on the original Apple Watch, the potential danger of some third-party iPhone repairs, and experimental Nvidia and older Thunderbolt drivers for eGPUs that may not work for long, or well, or at all. From predictable pundits to laid-off leakers, Mike and Charles compress a week of tech news and more into one alternately grumpy and jokey hour! Assemble your Interocitors at warp speed, cadets, this is going to be a heck of a data dump!