SJ084: AirPort departure, Intel delays, Grayshift karma, armchair punditry, Florida Man and more

Space Javelin - A podcast by The Space Javelin crew


Technically it was kind of a slow news week, cadets, but that just gives the trusty crew of the Space Javelin more time to dig in deep and pick fights with the locals! Grayshift discovers that payback's a ... um, bear ... Apple officially kills off its AirPort lineup, Intel delays Cannon Lake (again), but the Supremes (the judges, not the singers) come through for patent holders. There's a few security alerts to hand out, and figures to go over, so remember to bring your astro-sliderules, cadets! Also on this week are mysterious surges in both Apple TV viewing hours and our podcast download figures (coincidence??), Lexus gets wise to CarPlay, Bandsintown adds Apple Music, Spotify sets out new lures, iTunes (and Apple Music) arrive for Windows 10S users (both of you!), Mike and Charles take apart a bunch of oddball stories and seedy claims, examine some recent cool hardware, and lambaste Amazon's newest, dumbest plan to break into your personal space. Yeah, pick a fight with Jeff Bezos! Brilliant plan! Stock up on space popcorn, we're rare wild Pokemon now!