SJ085: Analysts wrong again; Apple’s Q2; T-Mob/Sprint merger; MBP KBs; Spotify, Oculus Go, and more
Space Javelin - A podcast by The Space Javelin crew

This may shock you, cadets, but this week we're not going to spend a lot of time going over Apple's record-breaking numbers for the company's fiscal Q2, because there's no time once we get done naming (and shaming!) the press and pundit buffoons who completely blew it (even more than usual!). Some inaccurate press created an iPhone X panic that turned out not only to be merely wrong, but literally couldn't have been more incorrect if it had tried. Co-captains Mike and Charles dissect the analyst apocrypha, but that's just the first course of this hour-long meal. Twitter and Intel have their own screwups to deal with, Bloomberg and Quartz have egg on their faces, WhatsApp has a dark day, Sprint and T-Mobile plan to merge, Apple Watch saves more lives than Superman, Ming-Chi sells off his crystal ball, Qualcomm cries uncle, and Spotify gains users but misses revenue targets. For dessert, there's Mike's in-depth investigation of the 2016 MacBook Pro keyboard (the first with the new flatter design) and how it compares to the previous and present models with regards to keyboard problems; Mike and Charles on the future of the MacBook Air; a look at the Oculus Go and the Lumos smart bike helmet; and the heartwarming tale of how Jeff Bezos (indirectly) prevented a dog-napping. Oh, we almost forgot: put on your silly hats, cadets, and party like it's 1998: the iMac turned 20 years old yesterday!