SJ087: Net neutrality, Cannon Lake, lotsa lawsuits, music news, rumors, new gear, Nintendo, and more
Space Javelin - A podcast by The Space Javelin crew

It's been a bit of Mr. Space Javelin's Wild Ride through this asteroid belt of tech news, cadets, with a crazy mix of good news, bad news, weird news, and a few orbits around the planet Mondo Bizarro for extra hijinx! In the US, the Senate voted quite unexpectedly to override the FCC, but the fight for right just moves to the House, so keep using your comm ports to beam your position on this crucial issue back to the homeworld. Intel sorta-kinda releases Cannon Lake, and it's Samsung vs Apple season again, not to mention other lawsuits to deal with. On the music front, Apple Music doing great, Spotify not so much, Tidal is officially beleaguered, and the HomePod is -- you'll be shocked to hear -- not the next iPhone. The ship further careens like a smuggler in hyperspace between news of improvements in the iOS apps of Hulu and DirecTV (the latter of which still has that crazy Apple TV deal going on!) to Microsoft Surface fails and rumors; from Apple winning Best Displays Ever to LG's G7 camera gets its bokeh kicked by the iPhone X; and from the recovery of a long-lost Steve Jobs speech at MIT to an utterly astonishing report about Apple versus Amazon in terms of profits (hint: there's a clear winner). There's also our usual assortment of myths to bust, rumors to debunk (or shrug, or hope is true), insanely overpriced "special" iPhones (with bonus gratuitous mention of the recent royal wedding), and utterly delightful news on the Nintendo front. All this and the endless supply of cheap laughs that fuel the ship, cadets, so strap in for a freewheeling, rudderless ride on the Space Javelin!