SJ088: Apple wins, WWDC picks, Alexa freaks, Consumer Reports, Ossis goes broke, FBI fibs, and more
Space Javelin - A podcast by The Space Javelin crew

Normally we don't record episodes on holiday weekends, cadets, but this time there was just too much news, but we waited till Tuesday to release it. Next week we'll evaluate whether to proceed as normal with a Monday episode or hold until after the WWDC keynote and get our next episode out Wednesday ... keep an eye on our Facebook and Twitter feeds to stay in the know. In the meantime, we celebrate Apple's big win over Samsung (... for now ...), update you on the latest Intel chip flaws and patches, note the new play Apple's making to move free-tier iCloud users to a paid tier, report on the latest creepy taboo Alexa has broken (and welcome our new AI overlords), and debate the motivations of the FBI's "oopie" on exaggerating the number of iPhones they need to crack (and prove why they should never be given those keys). The command crew take Consumer Reports to task for dodgy answers, discuss the Ossic funding fail, offer our expectations (rather than predictions) on what WWDC will bring, and take a look at a bunch of new gear the Engineering Department has been hoarding. All this and much more, cadets, and don't forget to honour those in the Space Corps who came before you! Stay tuned!