SJ089: WWDC, AirPlay 2, Telegram. RIP Groove, VESA not accepted, reboot your router, and lots more
Space Javelin - A podcast by The Space Javelin crew

Your trusty co-captains are bathed in glory once again, cadets, as our predictions on the content of the WWDC keynote (for which we held this episode until Tuesday) proved spot-on. We weren't the only ones to call it, either, but unlike anyone else (coughBloombergcough), we explained our *reasons* for the calls we made. As we said last week, software was the theme -- with coming updates to the various OSes and a few new programs, with nary a word about hardware (though some may well show up before the end of the summer). Never fear, however: it's not all about WWDC this week. Also on tap are discussions on AirPlay 2, ARKit 2, Apple getting into the music publishing game, Russia and the Telegram, a new FBI warning about your router, the final death of Groove Music, Apple's efforts on behalf of the blind, the unfolding Apple iMac Pro VESA mount fiasco, some last-minute rumor/hoax fails, and our latest bit of sage wisdom: not everything needs to be digital or "smart," as it turns out. Lots more inbetween those topics, cadets, so set your relaxation helmet to "passive learning" mode and prepare to have your brain tickled with this special post-keynote episode. Regular service (or what passes for that concept around here) resumes next week.