SJ118: China broken, AirPlay soars, HomeKit all the things, CES, and we're flush with smart toilets!

Space Javelin - A podcast by The Space Javelin crew


This week the ship was in orbit around planet CES, cadets -- the Thunderdome of Gadgety Tech Goodness! Charles and Mike give you the lowdown on the latest AirPlay 2 developments, bask in the glory of being right about the Chinese market collapse, do their best Ethel Merman to sing "Everything's Coming Up HomeKit," talk about how dominant Apple-championed tech was at CES, run through dozen of eye-catching gadgets and even find some tech news that didn't stay in Vegas! There's also Tim Cook's latest encounter with word-salad generator Jim Cramer, HealthKit and USB-C and Qi releases, security news, straight-up lying companies and newspapers, Amazon's Ring scandal, the secret of smart TVs, a proper Engineering Report on new pro hardware, Apple still saving lives, some of the sillier things we saw at CES, and of course our latest update on our all-time favourite device, the Numi Smart Toilet. You can't bidet that, cadets, so prepare yourselves to boldly "go" where you've never "gone" before!