SJ127-a: Santa Cook and Apple-mas came early! New Macs, iPads, AirPods, a preview of Monday, & more
Space Javelin - A podcast by The Space Javelin crew

Because Apple is doing a big event on Monday, your trusty Space Javelin co-captains decided to throw you cadets a curveball -- which is especially tricky to do in zero-gravity -- and do a shortened "Part 1" version of episode 127 that's out *before* the event. This way, Mike and Charles can cover all the new Apple hardware, OS updates, more stuff coming soon and of course a short preview of what they expect from the Monday "Show Time" Apple event, alongside a few non-Apple scandals and tidbits we want out of the way for "Part 2." After the Apple event on Monday, we'll record Episode 127-b to recap Monday's news, and throw in our usual mix of opinion, outrage, expertise, trivia, and dumb jokes -- and get that to you (very) late Tuesday while it's all still fresh. Report to the Infotainment Omniplex™ deck for an extended stay, cadets, and get ready for an Apple New Stuff-splosion!