SJ128: AirPower-Down, ECG Europe, Swift 5 released, Qualcomm, FTC, Apple Card, Roku, Samsung, & more

Space Javelin - A podcast by The Space Javelin crew


If the ship seems a little wobbly this week, cadets, it's because we lost our AirPower superiority as well as Cap'n Mike to sickbay, but happily Admiral William Gallagher answered our distress call with aplomb and a plum (and some tea!). Apple's ECG technology has expanded outside the US, the Texture digital-mag service will be shutting down to become Apple News+, Swift 5 was released, Apple Music is hitting moderately deep into new territories, and Qualcomm's legal fight at the US ITC is tied at one definite loss and one possible win. But that's only the beginning. William and Charles take a look at some of the new Apple Card details, and issue our semi-annual reminder to audit your existing subscriptions before taking on any new ones. They also team up to talk Samsung earnings warnings and Apple Music on Android, beat up on AT&T further for their ongoing "5Ge" fraud, but disagree (slightly and politely) on whether the EU's Article 13 will do what it hopes to do: put the burden of stopping piracy back on the big tech companies that profit from it (coughGOOGLE ET ALcough) -- which they agree is a great goal -- and whether smaller firms will overreact to the restrictions and/or make it more difficult for artists to leverage the net (where they aren't quite on the same page). Who won the debate? Hopefully, everyone. All this and more, cadets, including more laughs per hour than any other tech podcast or your money back! Get ready to check your heartrates, cadets -- this is a white-knuckle ride through the Tech News Punditry Zone, and we're going full throttle till the warp engines buckle!