SJ137: OMG AirPort (?!), RIP Back to My Mac, LOL Qualcomm, new MBP & iPod Touch r0x, Flipboard sux0r
Space Javelin - A podcast by The Space Javelin crew
So we could better focus on Monday's WWDC keynote announcements with a Special Report, cadets, we've opted to give you the rest of the notable news from the TechSphere a day or so early in a shorter episode, but tune in Tuesday for the low-down on Planet Dub Dub and what it all means for you. In the meantime we have good news and bad news: the iPod Touch is back, your old AirPort router is up for an update, and the monolithic iTunes for Mac is getting an iOS-like multi-app breakup. The bad news is that Back to My Mac will be dead next month, 3D Touch is being phased out, Flipboard oops'ed your password, and Background App Refresh is leaking data, so turn that off. There's also shenanigans from Qualcomm, sort-of 10nm chips from Intel shipping soon (but not the good ones), London and NYC transit are getting Apple Pay, a look at the 2019 MBP from the thermals and graphics perspectives, new GPUs from AMD, and a word about password managers and whether you and/or your loved ones need them. All this plus the Special Report on Tuesday, and then -- just a week later -- E3 begins! Maybe this month is not the time to approach Cap'n Mike for a space-credit raise, cadets ... just sayin' ...