SJ163: Ellen DeGenerous, the 2019 Mac Pro ships, China reprieve, idiots pontificate, 5G hype & more

Space Javelin - A podcast by The Space Javelin crew


The penultimate episode of Space Javelin for 2019 is before you, cadets, and it finds co-Cap'ns Mike and Charles in a bit of a grouchy mood, owing entirely to the amount of stupid from analysts, lawmakers, and Mike's head cold -- all of which combine to harsh our normal holiday mellow. There's good news on the China front, along with awards noms for an Apple TV+ show, not to mention a surprise official return to CES in January for Apple -- but there's also idiot YouTubers whinging about the price of the new Mac Pro even as they try to grate actual cheese on it; the ad industry crying about how unfair blocking their website trackers is; moronic and/or obvious analyst reports; the scam of incredispeed "5G" for everyone continues; a previous feel-good report that has gone sour, and our Dumb Lawsuit of the Week. At least there's also lots of tech talk about the new Mac Pro, great holiday deals on cool gear of all sorts, Apple Pay Express for Penn Station, Ellen DeGeneres kits out a DC school with Apple gear, and lots more nitty-gritty to chew on. We'll be back next week for our last 2019 regular episode (barring some momentous event to report on), so keep your shenanigan-meter in your utility belt, cadets ... and a tight grip on your space credits for the holidays!