Space Nuts - A podcast by Professor Fred Watson and Andrew Dunkley
- Bepicolombo Slingshot - Binary white dwarfs… - We chat with Marnie Ogg about Dark Sky Conversations podcast... - Listener questions - asked by Andrew and answered by Fred...Become a Space Nuts crew member and gain immediate access to our catalog of special commercial-free versions of Space Nuts plus bonus content now rolling out. Instant access to 45 plus posts once signed up...Simply sign on via our Patreon page… the Space Nuts Facebook and share stuff with other listeners, ask your questions….Andrew may even answer them. This is your community so we want to hear from you. Just search for the Space Nuts Group on Facebook and join today. See you there… to treat yourself with one of our new T-Shirts, caps, stickers, coffee cups or polo shirts. Details here: (They make great presents…just saying). For information regarding your data privacy, visit a supporter of this podcast: