Earth Sized Rogue Planets Discovery
SpaceTime: Space & Astronomy - A podcast by Stuart Gary

The Astronomy, Technology, and Space Science News Podcast.SpaceTime Series 24 Episode 83*Discovery of four Earth-sized rogue planets all alone in the nightA new study has found tantalising evidence for a mysterious population of “free-floating” so-called rogue planets -- planets that aren’t orbiting a host star.*Cosmic filaments spinning in spaceA new study has confirmed that the filaments which make up the cosmic web-like structure of the universe are spinning in space.*China’s space program moves into high gearChina has ramped up its launch campaign as Beijing continues its build up to war with no less than three orbital missions in four days.*The Science ReportStudy claims symptomatic COVID-19 patients take 80 days to return to a normal heart rate.The upper atmosphere contracting due to increasing greenhouse gas emissions.The Large Hadron Collider measures lepton flavour universality.Israel tests a prototype high-powered airborne laser to shoot down drones.Alex on Tech: Microsoft's PrintNightmare computer vulnerabilityFor more SpaceTime and show links: a supporter of this podcast: