Ep 146 | Tara's KonMari Self Discovery
Spark Joy - A podcast by Kristyn Ivey and Karin Socci

Tara Latta shares how working with For the Love of Tidy for 17 hours enhanced her KonMari tidying experience and instantly impacted her health, relationships, and career.
Tara Latta is Kristyn's client, a For the Love of Tidy Graduate of Tidy. They've tidied for 15 hours over a four months plus a recent two hour Virtual Tidy used to address sentimental items.
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In this episode, you’ll enjoy:
- What initially inspired Tara to head down the KonMari path and find a "magic bullet" organizing solution
- What led Tara to move from DIY decluttering to hiring Kristyn/For the Love of Tidy
- Tara's small space (1,000 sq ft Chicago high rise) and her favorite storage boxes
- Tara's vision and anchoring word "spacious"
- How reframing Tara's narrative around paper help free her to complete the process
- Moments where Tara felt blocked or ready to give up, that were remedied by finding community in The Spark Joy Club, Reddit, Discord, and Saya Hillman's Cross it Off Day
- The questions Tara would ask herself when she felt overwhelmed:
- Is there too much clutter out for this round of sorting?
- Is the workspace clean?
- Am I maintaining the categories that are finished?
- The questions Tara would ask herself when she felt overwhelmed:
- New habits that emerged after decluttering
- How KonMari impacted Tara's relationship with her weight, family, and career path
- What it was like to tidy with a KonMari Consultant in-home and virtually as Tara transitioned to quarantine at home
- Tara's advice for those on the fence about hiring a professional home organizer to help them dig out and choose joy
What sparks joy for Tara
Summer in Chicago!
Tara's apartment and journey was also featured in Bloomberg: Purging Your Stuff Is the New Conspicuous Consumption
"Because I had started KonMari and stopped at the paper category several times over the years, I accepted I really needed support and accountability."
"The process took me nine months, so I like to tell people I birthed a home of joy."
"Everything has a home and everything I see brings me joy."
"There is space within the space."
"As you let go of items that not longer serve you, you make the physical and mental space to become who you want to be."
"Every session I felt motivated and inspired with nuggets of wisdom and customized ideas of how to sort through and organize my belongings."
You can find Karin Socci at The Serene Home
You can find Kristyn Ivey at For the Love of Tidy
Special Guest: Tara Latta.