Lesson 51: Advanced English Speaking / Idioms - Phrasal verbs
Speak English like a native speaker! - A podcast by Wafa Damlaj

Having a company that does not KNOW ITS STUFF is a real issue in this day and age. Mexus, a well-known company, needed to WAKE UP AND SMELL THE COFFEE since they hadn't got much done to win the bidding against the local company Tyron. On Monday, the bidding was officially GRANTED TO Tyron. Tyron knew that gaining this project will HELP them OUT immensely to be an UP AND COMING construction company in town. They were waiting for such an opportunity so badly to expand their services on a larger scale. A few days before the bidding, they GOT CRACKING so they could prove that they were one of the best companies to contract with. That’s why the head of the team WENT THROUGH WITH equally DIVIDING UP the tasks between the team members so they could GET OVER WITH finalizing their proposal by Thursday. Tyron has finally begun to GAIN GROUND and bigger projects are anticipated in the near future with new companies. --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/wafa-damlaj/support