Lesson 61: Advanced English Speaking / Idioms - Phrasal verbs
Speak English like a native speaker! - A podcast by Wafa Damlaj

I have always been a RUN-OF-THE-MILL kind of person in life. I have never been excellent or bad in any subject at school. I was neither chosen to lead a sports team nor was I the last person to be picked to play for both teams. At college, I decided to pursue a business major which was considered a field for every average person. I wasn’t hired in a big tech company in Seattle nor did I work for a small office around the corner. I wasn’t the first person to get promoted nor was I the last one to be considered. At home, I am neither the oldest nor the youngest kid in my family. I was neither the troublemaker nor the peacemaker. Does my situation RING ANY BELLS? Well, yes! I am the middle kid. They say that the middle kid is the invisible one. They are viewed as less charismatic or less intelligent than their siblings. But we have KEPT A LID ON the truth for a long time. In fact, we, middle kids, conceal our potential, and rarely has anyone noticed how we GET THE HANG of things. We intentionally COME OUT into the world claiming that we were LEFT OUT just because we want people to assume that we are the victims of this world. Our goal was to let the outside PAY ATTENTION TO our unfortunate reality of being the middle kid by TUNING OUT our capabilities. Our ability to LAY LOW was absolutely OUR ICING ON THE CAKE. --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/wafa-damlaj/support