Lesson 63: Advanced English Speaking / Idioms - Phrasal verbs
Speak English like a native speaker! - A podcast by Wafa Damlaj

When we were teenagers we used TO LET THE CHIPS FALL WHERE THEY MAY. We used to be reckless and love to take risks. We used to be impulsive and full of energy. Yes, we made a lot of mistakes, FOOLED AROUND, and messed things up. Our family and society were okay with that too. They didn’t judge us. They didn’t even give us the sense of being guilty or being responsible. But now, in our adulthood, things are totally different. The whole society STANDS AGAINST us once we hit 18 years old. They believe that we are grown-ups now and that we need to quit failing and figure out everything as if things are AT THE PUSH OF A BUTTON. They PUT PRESSURE ON us as if each and every decision we make at this age will either lead us to total success or complete failure. Old people need to GET OVER this mentality that prohibits people in their 20s, and 30s to take risks and be creative. Old people forget that they had the FIRST-HAND experience with the lack of a supportive system to uplift them. Old people sometimes FOCUS ON the insignificant details that they can’t SEE THE FOREST FOR THE TREE. I hope that this message will be an EYE-OPENER for some of them. --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/wafa-damlaj/support