Lesson 65: Advanced English Speaking / Idioms - Phrasal verbs
Speak English like a native speaker! - A podcast by Wafa Damlaj

The group HAD A BONE TO PICK with James. He hasn’t been an effective team member ever since his relationship with his ex-girlfriend CAME TO AN END. James dated his ex-girlfriend for 15 years but a lot of negative things were GOING ON between them. James and his girlfriend reached a stage where they couldn’t GET TO THE BOTTOM OF things and had no idea what the main reason for their troubles, stresses, and anxiety was anymore. This led James to leave and reflect on the things he did right and wrong. The team tried to GET THEIR HEAD AROUND James’ situation. They knew that this separation was not like any separation they have LEARNED ABOUT or heard of. They were aware of his emotional pain and suffering. That’s why they made every effort to provide the comfort needed and take care of his work for a certain period of time so they could help reduce at least one source of stress he had to DEAL WITH. They gave him two weeks off to rest. They sent someone every day to CHECK-IN ON him and make sure he was okay. They started slowly and gradually increased his workload to its normal rate when he returned to work. But even after all of the team’s effort, James’ performance still was not meeting the minimum expectations. The team agreed that they had to be honest and ON THE LEVEL with James. He needed to PULL HIS OWN WEIGHT or else he might lose his job. --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/wafa-damlaj/support