John Cuyler: "The Cavalry"
Speak Up Storytelling - A podcast by Matthew and Elysha Dicks
On episode #79 of the Speak Up Storytelling podcast, Matthew and Elysha Dicks talk storytelling! In our follow up segment, we we share Homework for Life success stories from several listeners and attempt to shame a sibling into joining her brother and sister in Homework for Life. STORYTELLING SHOWS 2020 January 11: “Still Life: Stories of Stopping and Slowing Down” at the Wadsworth Atheneum February 8: “Storytelling for Students at Henry A. Wolcott School, West Hartford, CT March 21: Great Hartford StorySlam, Hartford Flavor Company STORYTELLING WORKSHOPS 2020 February 1: Storytelling workshop (Beginner), CT Historical Society February 22: Storytelling workshop (Advanced), CT Historical Society In our Homework for Life segment, we talk about how often we might find ourselves in the midst of a story and must exercise patience, waiting for the moment when the story is ready to be told. Matt shares two stories in his life that are 15 and 42 years in the making. Next we listen to a story by John Cuyler. Amongst the many things we discuss include: Excellent opening sentences. The power of contrast Assigning double duty to words, sentences and ideas Vocalization techniques The use of anecdote over exposition when trying to make a point Next we answer questions from listeners about the 5 tips Matt offers brand new Moth GrandSLAM storytellers, a new way of practicing storytelling in your every day life (3-2-1), and advice from a listener on Homework for Life. Lastly, we each offer a recommendation. RECOMMEDATIONS Elysha: The New York Times crossword app Matt: LINKS Purchase Storyworthy: Engage, Teach, Persuade, and Change Your Life Through the Power of Storytelling Purchase Twenty-one Truths About Love Homework for Life: Matthew Dicks's website: Matthew Dicks's YouTube channel: Matthew Dicks's blog: Subscribe to Matthew Dicks's weekly newsletter: Subscribe to the Speak Up newsletter: Subscribe to Matthew Dicks's blog: