E 203 Toot Your Horn in a Fun Way with Peggy Klaus

Speak Up with Laura Camacho - A podcast by Laura Camacho, PhD - Tuesdays


Talking to Peggy was so much fun, Laura is planning to visit her next time she’s in New Mexico. The problem with “tooting your own horn” is that smart people tend to remember only the painful examples and develop fear of coming across as boring and/or annoying. There are actually delightful ways to talk about your accomplishments that provoke authentic and rich conversations. These have the bonus of letting people know who you really are. (Which many people will find encouraging, btw.) Being able to talk about yourself in an interesting way brings a boatload of benefits, which include helping others to do the same. People want to know about you, without the tsunami of self-revelation that traps so many. Laura and Peggy cover small talk, networking conversations, conversation tools you can use on zoom, and many other tips including these: 💎How to know which of your life experiences are the most interesting to others ✅Why sharing your “brag” stories makes the world a better place 🔑Craft your “flyby” that makes you the most interesting person in any meeting 🦏What to do if you’re not asked the question you’re prepared to answer 🎯The 3 key ingredients that make any of your stories come to life 📣Reasons you want to obliterate any mental stigma around bragging ABOUT THIS WEEK’S GUEST: Peggy Klaus, former Warner Bros producer, is the best-selling author of "The Hard Truth About Soft Skills" (Collins, 2008) and "Brag! The Art of Tooting Your Own Horn Without Blowing It" (Warner, 2003). A regular contributor to a number of major media outlets, Peggy reaches thousands of professionals each year through her communication and leadership training programs, keynotes, and executive coaching at leading corporations and organizations worldwide. Not only is Peggy a major player in corporate communications but she also consults for communication and messaging for political candidates at the local, state and federal level. FOR YOU: This episode is brought to you by the FREE Polish Your Pitch training. Winging 🦋 it works well when chatting with your Boykin Spaniel. Not a good idea for executive meetings, job interviews, a press conference, television show appearance, meeting the Pope, or ANY sort of pitch. Pitching an idea, a collaboration, or investment is the ultimate communication skill. Invest 30 minutes of your time in this curated training, Polish Your Pitch. Yes, Polish Your Pitch on the house (no charge). You're welcome. 😎 Enjoy this episode? Please leave us a 5-⭐️podcast review to help others find this life-altering insight.