He loves me AND his girlfriend???

Speaking of Sex - A podcast by Speaking of Sex


This week we are getting ALL the tea on open relationships. What is an open relationship? An open relationship is nontraditional and non-monotonous. Rules and boundaries are set by the individuals in the relationship as opposed. What is monogamy? The practice of having/maintaining one partner at a time. Monogamy, by definition, is a term used to describe a marriage, but is commonly used to also describe relationship style. What is polygamy? The practice of having/maintaining more than one partner at a time. Polygamy, by definition, is a term used to describe a marriage, but is commonly used to also describe a relationship style. (not to be confused with Polygyny which refers to ONLY the masculine partner having other partners) Checkout my ORIGINAL show on Open Relationships here: https://anchor.fm/mostyles/episodes/Open-Relationships-evm6b Are you tuned into my other podcast?? anchor.fm/mostyles Follow Speaking of Sex on Insta: @speakingofsex Show Notes: List of qualities: -Very agreeable -Emotionally Stable -Securely attached -High novelty seeking -Supportive/is happy for my good news -Intelligent -Physically attractive -Takes responsibility for self -Unlikely to withdraw -Has similar interests -Similar values -Speaks my love language -Possesses skills that make life easier (cook, clean, repair, maintain, organize) -Would make for a good parent -Sexually compatible -Financially independent -Extroverted -Trustworthy/Faithful