Episode 107 AND OUT COME THE WOLVES by RANCID with Kate Meizner (of Jobber)
SPINNING OUT PODCAST - A podcast by Josh Robbins
Spinning Out (another music podcast) We talk to artists about their favorite albums and go on wild tangents. Today we're talking with Kate Meizner of the band Jobber. We talked about Rancid's 1995 album "...And Out Come the Wolves." We talk about how the band doesn't get enough credit for their musicianship, as well as the characters they paint in their lyrics. We also talk about the intersection of punk and wrestling and how they make strange, yet comfortable bedfellows. Jobber released their debut EP, "Hell in a Cell" recently on Exploding in Sound Records. Check out the album wherever you do streaming and pick up a copy on vinyl from the label, right now! Kate also plays in the band Hell Razor & previously of Potty Mouth, so check those out too! https://jobber.bandcamp.com/album/hell-in-a-cell Subscribe to our Patreon here: www.patreon.com/spinningoutpod Follow us on social media -- twitter and instagram (@Spinningoutpod)