Episode 130 FOUR MINUTE MILE by THE GET UP KIDS with Sarah Blumenthal

SPINNING OUT PODCAST - A podcast by Josh Robbins


Spinning Out (another music podcast) We talk to artists about their favorite albums and go on wild tangents. This is a podcast where we talk to guests about their favorite albums. Today we're joined again by my sometimes co-host Sarah Blumenthal. We talked about The Get Up Kids' 1997 album, "Four Minute Mile." We also talk about being widely known but also still underrated. Sarah's band Faye released an album last year and her other band Alright has some new tracks dropping in a month or so, so stay tuned. fayeisaband.bandcamp.com/album/faye Subscribe to our Patreon here: www.patreon.com/spinningoutpod Follow us on social media -- twitter and instagram (@Spinningoutpod)