S2 #42 / Alexander Moore on Scrying

Spirit Box - A podcast by Darragh Mason

Alexander Moore is a practising esotericist with over two decades of active experience in several occult systems including Solomonic Magic, Conjure and other folk practices and Traditional Witchcraft. He is proud to provide coaching, mentorship and divination for occultists who are interested in taking their magic and their lives to the next level in a changing world.
In a fascinating conversation Alex takes us through the process and methods of scrying and explains why he sees scrying as 'spirit perception' using the full range of the bodies somatic senses.

In the Plus show we get into Wealth Magic, road openers and crossroads adventures and discuss interactions with crossroads spirits. Alex also gives us his list of essential texts. We also discuss the difference between nature versus urban spaces in magical practice and Alexander takes us through an amazing experience he had with a ritual from The Book of Oberon.

Show notes:
Alexander’s Instagram https://www.instagram.com/the_hexdoctor/ 
Alexanders Linktree https://linktr.ee/the_hexdoctor
Protection course https://practicaloccult.com/courses/protection/ 
Wealth Magic https://practicaloccult.com/courses/money-magic/
Clint Marsh Mentalist Handbook https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/2497668.The_Mentalist_s_Handbook
Automatic writing experience by Michael Sandler https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/51607754-the-automatic-writing-experience-awe
Franz Barton Initiations into Hermetics https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Initiation_Into_Hermetics
The Book of Oberon https://www.llewellyn.com/product.php?ean=9780738743349

Keep in touch? https://linktr.ee/darraghmason Music by Obliqka https://soundcloud.com/obliqka