93: Pt. 2 Healing the Brain from Demonic Attack - Arthur Burk & Larry Hill on Spirit-Centered Business™

Spirit-Centered Business™ - A podcast by Fringe Radio Network


93: Pt. 2 Healing the Brain from Demonic Attack - Arthur Burk & Larry Hill on Spirit-Centered BusinessJoin us to continue the conversation with Arthur Burk. We discuss ministering to the human spirit, differentiating the spirit from the soul, and the importance of our history of God's faithfulness in our healing. LINKS:- Connect with Arthur Burk and get more training from the Sapphire Leadership Group here: http://theSLG.com.- To find out more about The Dokimos Project, or to connect with Larry Hill, visit: http://dokimosnetwork.org.- Join the Ekklesia for Business: SCB Activation Group- Spirit realm Activations for your Business: https://spiritcenteredbusiness.com/coaching- Join the SCB Tribe: http://facebook.com/groups/scbtribe