95: Pt. 2 Creation, Mustard Seeds & Particle Physics - Daniel Jedidiah Cook on Spirit-Centered Business
Spirit-Centered Business™ - A podcast by Fringe Radio Network
95: Pt. 2 Creation, Mustard Seeds & Particle Physics - Daniel Jedidiah Cook on Spirit-Centered BusinessJoin the conversation as Bralynn and Daniel tread into deeper waters.TOPICS:- We have always been in Yahweh- Creating space for creation- Infinite holds finite- The mustard seed of faith- What is an atom- The matrix of abundance from sharing- Build a matrix that can hold an abundance- Declaring and speaking things forth with life- Not conformed to this world- Becoming like FatherGOLD NUGGETS:1) The intent of Father’s heart is to create a place for his creation to become like him and be together as family. 2) Yahweh laid a veil out across the expanse of himself and plucked a tiny quantum little dot out of the intent of his heart. He then placed it into the middle of the expanse, by the power of his words he spoke and the wind of his breath. Everything was compressed so tightly in this little spoken dot but once released it would begin to expand and grow. 3) My tiny mustard seed contains all I need for my life and for my business. It contains exceedingly abundantly above all I could ask or think, from the very beginning.4) Remind yourself daily of what Father has given you. Learn when and how to use what you have already been given that’s inside of you. There are witty inventions and many things hidden inside of you. Search it out.5) We have choices to keep what Father gives us or to share it with others, Even elements can share and combine with other elements to become more. Two parts hydrogen and one part oxygen becomes a beautiful expression of water. It becomes a matrix of abundance.6) The matrix of abundance can be applied in many aspects of life. It's a place of sharing where every joint supplies by working together whether in our personal or business lives. We work together, our business works with other businesses, etc. Working out of this matrix mindset creates a beautiful and solid foundation to hold the abundance that Father has for us. 7) We are created in God’s image. As we speak and declare our words into creation the very words we speak will manifest. We can speak to our bodies, even specifically to the atoms and to the molecules to share things within the biome. This brings healing and wholeness.QUOTES:-Tzim Tzum is a hebraic way of looking at creation.- Eternity and time operate together at the same time.- Yahweh is all there is.- When I sow seeds they become exceedingly abundantly above, all that I can ask.- When do we use what the Father has given to us?LINKS:- Connect with Daniel Jedadiah Cook: https://tzimtzum.life- Join the FREE Quantum Capacity Business Challenge webinar March 11, 2022- Grab expert teachings from the SCB Vault- Join the Ekklesia for Business: SCB Activation Group- Spirit realm Activations for your Business: https://spiritcenteredbusiness.com/coaching- Join the SCB Tribe: http://facebook.com/groups/scbtribe