99: Pt. 1 Doing the Inner Work - Pat Wanas on Spirit-Centered Business™

Spirit-Centered Business™ - A podcast by Fringe Radio Network


99: Pt. 1 Doing the Inner Work - Pat Wanas on Spirit-Centered Business™TOPICS:- My journey into deep places- The foundational gates- Our body, soul, and spirit gates- Nurturing the body- Supporting the frequencies of our body- Working with your angels- Liebusting removes wrong structures and lies- Working in the kingdom realm- Creating bonds- Loving your body- We are limitlessGOLD NUGGETS:1) We always have a place of choice. We can choose to overcome and not be sifted as wheat. In this place we can then bring the kingdom to earth. 2) The number 9 stands for reproducing. It replicates itself. It is a divine number. Nine is the number of beauty and perfection. With this being the 99th podcast we see 99 as a double portion. 3) Our body is important to the Lord because it is the temple. We have the body gate, soul gate, and our spirit gate. Sometimes we have to go in through the body to affect the soul and bring forth the spirit. On one side of the soul you have the spirit and on the other side of the soul you have the body. 4) Our body is energy and we are frequency beings. Nourishing the body by eating little to no sugar and processed foods can help to raise our frequency and be energized. Nourishing the body also helps to tune the soul. So the spirit can flow through to our soul and to our body better. 5) In Leviticus the rules for the priesthood clothing to wear were made of linen. Linen is the highest conductor of frequency in material. Each stone that they used to wear was a stone that had high energy and frequency. Food as well has different frequencies. 6) Pressing in and building the heavenly structure around me. I like to release the Hebrew letters around me, Yod, Hei, Vav, Hei, which are the letters of Yahweh’s name. We are breathing in Father and breathing Him out. I do different things to build these structures. I have communion, I go into my business center in the Kingdom realm and sit in the cloud with Yahweh, and sometimes I will work with my angels. You may even go see what’s in your scroll and be certain you are in alignment with walking that out for the day. QUOTES:- My church foundation was being out of the box.- Angels help us get back in tune with our frequencies. - We can commission our angels.- The kingdom things should be fun.- We have received our blueprint and we are the outworkers of that blueprint.- Our basic structures for the day can change.- Ask yourself what parts of your body need to be loved. LINKS:Connect with Pat: http://PatWanas.comJoin All Things Restored on Saturday nights: https://www.facebook.com/AllThingsRestoredJoin the Quantum Capacity Business Challenge:FREE Kickoff Event March 18, 1pm EST/5pm UKhttp://SpiritCenteredBusiness.com/zoom- Join the Ekklesia for Business: SCB Activation Group- Spirit realm Activations for your Business: https://spiritcenteredbusiness.com/coaching- Join the SCB Tribe: http://facebook.com/groups/scbtribe